Drew Hill

Drew is a Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) from the turtle clan. He was raised in a traditional family from the Six Nations of the Grand River and finds his voice within the Iroquois Confederacy through the Hiawatha Belt held by his clan. Drew has extensive technical experience across a number of industries including mining, environmental, renewable energy, housing and energy conservation. He has been owner operator for an engineering firm that specialized in providing technical services to First Nation communities throughout Canada for over 15 years.

Drew brings 25 years of experience working on large and small projects from as far away as Peru, South America to Canada’s arctic. He is a strong advocate for First Nation independence and autonomy. As Project Manager for First Nation projects Drew has a people first approach, understanding completed projects will serve Native communities and stand as points of pride for people from those communities. Drew is married to Carla Robinson and they have three children. He participates in traditional hunts with the Haudenosaunee. He enjoys bow hunting as part of the traditional Haudenosaunee hunt, fishing in northern B.C. with his in-laws, collecting maple syrup and raising honeybees on Six Nations.

Brantford Office
Director of Engineering and Infrastructure Services